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The store will be open on Saturdays from 10am- 3pm until further notice; We will be closed on 8/31

Bay Stoves

Providing High-Quality Hearth Products Since 1985

Bay Stoves

Providing High-Quality Hearth Products Since 1985

Bay Stoves

Providing High-Quality Hearth Products Since 1985

The Premium Source for Hearth Products in Edgewater, MD

gas fireplace in cozy living room

Bay Stoves offers fireplaces, chimneys, and hearth products in Annapolis. If you’ve been thinking about replacing your antiquated fireplace with an updated gas or wood-burning model, Bay Stoves is your destination. We offer a wide array of high-quality, top-of-the-line products, and our showroom is fully-stocked, acting as a launching pad for all of your home improvement ideas.

In addition, we offer hearth services in Annapolis and surrounding areas. If you’re looking for a chimney sweep with years of experience, Bay Stoves is here to help. From chimney cleanings to chimney inspections, our service professionals will ensure your fireplace is ready to warm your home during the winter months.

Visit our showroom to see a plethora of home improvement options, from burning and non-burning options to outdoor BBQ products. Boost your home’s resell value with the installation of a new fireplace in your home or a firepit on your deck.

We Offer Heating Solutions for Contemporary Homes

Bay Stoves offers a wide array of hearth products to Annapolis customers. In addition to BBQ products and outdoor living products like firepits, Bay Stoves is well-known for providing high-quality products like:

Outdoor Fireplaces

We’re proud to offer a wide array of outdoor fireplaces for all design sensibilities. Whether you prefer sleek, modern design, or a more classic approach, we have you covered.
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Gas Fireplaces

Some homeowners don’t want to deal with the work that a wood-burning fireplace requires. Fortunately, gas fireplaces have evolved to look increasingly realistic, with authentic-looking wood and vibrant flames. Bay Stoves sells gas fireplaces in numerous styles, including traditional, contemporary, fusion. We can install see-through, single sided, and double-sided fireplaces.
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Wood Stoves

Wood stoves act as a complementary source of heat. However, it is easier to find usable firewood than pellets. Homeowners who plan on using their wood stove extensively may find it more economically-efficient to use a wood stove as opposed to a pellet stove.
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Bay Stoves Has a Reputation for Sterling Customer Service

Serving the Anne Arundel community for over thirty years, Bay Stoves has banked its reputation on providing quality products and dedicated customer service. Eric and Kathy Yff took control of Bay Stoves in 2014, but it remains family owned and operated.

Bay Stoves

3157 Solomons Island Rd
Edgewater, MD 21037


Hours of Operation
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday:  10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Sunday and Monday: Closed

Bay Stoves, Solomons Island Road, Edgewater, MD, USA
